So it's been a long time since I've posted anything on here and just thought I'd give everyone a little update on my life.
So much has happened in the last few months for me and its just meant I've had to ignore my blog a bit, this makes me very sad as it's something I enjoy doing. However here are 3 big things that have happened/ are going to happen to me.
1.) I got in to Uni !!!!!! I'm so excited about this !!!! as you can probably tell with all the !!!!, this is something I have wanted for a loooong time. I've also had to live with all my friends going to uni this year as I had to have a gap year :( but I'm definitely going this year and this makes me over the moon happy!!! I'm so ready to move out and don't all my friends know about it. It's got to the point where my friends are like: "Lucy we know you're going to uni, you dont need to keep telling us" however I still don't believe it some days, but as of September I'll be in London at the University of West London studying commercial photography. So expect some uni related posts as we get nearer the time !!! also if you follow me on Instagram get ready for a lot of uni photos.
2.) Now number two is a sad yet not sad one for me, a few weeks ago I split with my 3 year long partner, things just won't working in long distance with him at uni. This left me feeling a little stuck in life, he was in my life for 3 years and now he's gone :( so I've been trying to keep positive about everything and I've had some amazing friends around me, normally with a tub of ice cream and a bottle of wine, so life's not all down. Also when I look at our relationship over the last few months it was starting to go down hill a lot, so although there's hard times I know deep down it's going to be all okay :)
3.) Now this one is exciting !! I'm in the process of saving for a new camera and laptop (as well as saving for uni) I'm doing this for a few reasons, the big ones are: One, they're two things I'll be using every day come September and Two, both my laptop and camera really need updating, there both so slow and out of date. So come September I hope to be saying hello to a Apple Mac book and Canon 6D. Please feel free to leave comments on both of these if you have them, about how you find they work/if they're nice to use etc.. I've had lots of people say Apple aren't amazing for photos and this does worry me a little as my laptop is mainly used for editing and blogging, so some help would be much appreciated.
So yeah, that's it really. bit of an odd blog post, managed to go on a bit. I just wanted to update you lot on whats been happening in my life. I feel like I've been handed some interesting cards over the last few months, this has meant I've not blogged as much as I wanted to. However I'm in the process of learning a lot about my life and how to deal with things that you can't control. I have to keep saying to myself; I'm only 18, even though there's so much I want to do in my life I don't need to do it all this year: I have a very long bucket list that I hope to get done at some point. but at the moment small steps need to be taken and moving out is one of them, life is looking up for me.
Thank you for taking some time out of your days to reed about my life, I hope you've all got something that makes you smile, because when we're smiling things in life don't seem that bad.
Lucy Alice xx