Fashion Week From Home

So as we all know London Fashion Week kicked off to day, and it's the time now when social media goes a little bit cray, with 50 new posts an hour on Instagram not to mention the number of Tweets going out while a catwalk is going on. but we don't all get to go to LFW and this is for many reasons, I have always wanted to attend this event even if its just standing in Somerset house snapping people as they rush from catwalk to catwalk, but I've never made the trip up as its a little to far for me to go without staying over night and then that cost to much. However hopefully when I live in London I'll be able to post from LFW.
However over the past few years I've learnt that you don't have to go to fashion week to be able to talk about it or even stay up to date with the trends, Here are my 5 tips for following fashion week online. This is some thing I've been doing for a long time, there's so much that you can see from the comfort of your own home. I wanted to share with you my fashion week from home tips for anyone who is unable to attend fashion week and hey being at home is a lot less crazy.

Tip 1
find good bloggers.

Bloggers are your best friend if you can't attend Fashion Week, If you follow any kind of fashion blog they will be there and most beauty bloggers are now getting to go backstage and look at this seasons up and coming beauty looks and tips. So my first tip is to find bloggers who style you like and keep checking there blog for fashion week updates, most people make you aware that they are attending Fashion week with ether a preparation post or what they are planning on wearing. I follow a lot of bloggers who I know will be at Fashion week check out my post on blogs I love for more information.

Tip 2
Set time aside 

Fashion Week is crazy for everyone, there's so much going on and I find I can sometimes get lost and overwhelmed with everything, even from home. So last year I decided to set time aside each day to read and catch up with that days fashion shows, this helped me a lot as I wasn't trying to keep up with everything that's was happening at every moment and it aloud me to really look at the designers and bloggers I liked. I know Fashion Week from home is a lot less stressful than Fashion Week from the ground but still setting time aside really helps keeping on top of trends and all the different things that are going on.

Tip 3
look at whats been live streamed 

The British fashion council are now live streaming most of London Fashion Week, and this is grate for us home Fashion Weeker's. It allows you to watch most of fashion week without having to beg for a ticket from the designers, this is almost impossible unless you are known to the fashion world or have a huge blog following. The London Fashion Week website tell you on there schedule witch catwalks are being streamed Click Here. My tip to you is to print or save a copy of this and highlight the shows you want to watch and set time aside to watch them. the catwalks are what Fashion Week is all about so this is the most important tip, it lets you see what the front row are seeing and helps you plan for the up and coming season, and helps you stay on trend.

Tip 4 
take notes and inspiration

Anyone who attends Fashion Week will takes notes, bloggers buyers and journalists, there all there with there note books and Ipads. so why shouldn't we home Fashion Weekers be doing the same ? Getting in to the habit of note taking while watching a catwalk show is a good skill to learn, as if you do go to fashion week you'll need to be able to do it. when I first started watching the live streams I never took any notes. However over the last few Fashion Weeks I've started and it helps so much when it comes to remembering whats on trend and when it come to blogging about it. I also use it to help me with inspiration for photo shoots, having a few thoughts about a designers catwalk show is always helpful. You don't need a whole essay on the show, I find just a few little thought and feelings e.g colors used, shapes and patterns and length of garments are all that I need for staying on trend in the up and coming season. so get you note pads out and start taking some notes.

Tip 5 
Social Media 

Any home Fashion weekers best friend. My Instagram, Twitter and Facebook go crazy over Fashion Week and its one of the biggest help for me, giveing me instant access  to photos of all the big catwalk shows and street styles photographed at Somerset house. I'm always checking on my Instagram feed every hour over Fashion Week, to see whats been happening in terms of Front row and street style. we live in a world where social media is used every second of every day and we should make good use of this. On Facebook I follow Vogue and Elle and both of these magazines post pit photos from London Fashion Week, this not only let's me see all the garment close up allowing me to take notes but I also use them for mood boards,this helps with my own photo shoots, helping me to keep my photography on trend. So this London Fashion Week make shore your following all of you bloggers and magazines on every social media sit you have, it will help you get the best view of LFW.

There you have it, My top 5 tips for London Fashion Week from home, Hope you enjoy these tips and they help you get the best out of Fashion Week from the comfort of your own home, so kick back with a cup of coffee and see what the worlds biggest fashion people have been getting up to at LFW