50 Facts About Me

So there's a lot I don't talk about on my blog and I thought it was about time to share with you all 50 fun/interesting facts about me. 

These aren't in any order, they just popped in to my head as I sat down with my coffee however I wanted to wright a fun and relaxed post just before the weekend starts. By the end I hope you guys will feel like you know the crazy girl behind Lucy Alice just a little bit more.
 So here go's 50 facts about me!!

1. My full name is Lucy Alice Burt.
2. I live on the South Cost. 
3. My hair is naturally brunet. (however I've been dying it for 4 years).
4. I'm going to university in September.
5, I've never studied photography.
6. I love a bit of day time TV.
7. I have a tattoo on my back.
8. I never went to school till year 11. 
9. I try to wear red lipstick everyday.
10. I've never traveled out side the UK.
11. I love evenings just chilling with friends
12. I eat a low crab, high fat diet (and yes this is good for you).
13. I'm dyslexic. 
14. I'm 18 years old (my birthday is 12th August).
15. I have a huge film collection.
16. I passed all of my A-levels.
17. I love coffee.
18. I've been in my relationship since May 2012.
19. I love any cute animal video on YouTube.
20. I'm a little bit of a shopaholic.
21. I've never been to a festival.
22. I've never had a Netflix account.
23. I've always wanted to live in London.
24. My other passion in life is theater working as a stage manager.
25. I've danced at the Royal Albert Hall twice in my life.
26. I wanted to be am actor from the age of 8.
27. I want to own my own business one day.
28. I want to own a designer handbag by the time I'm 25.
29. I love reading different blogs (leave a link below and I'll check it out).
30. Pinterest, Tumbler and Bloglovin are my biggest time wasters.
31. I have always grown up with a dog in my life.
32. I work full time with my parents.
33. I don't smoke or do drugs.
34. I want to travel the world with my camera.
35. I dream of living in New York for a bit of my life.
36. I worked at Chichester Festival Theater on shows such as Gypsy and Guys and Dolls last summer.
37. I've never learnt to drive.
38. I love photographing people for fashion and blogs.
39. I would love to work for Vogue or Elle.
40. I'm obsessed with high end fashion and fashion week.
41. I have known my best friend since I was 4.
42. I've only been blogging for 6 mounts.
43. One day I'd love to get marred.
44. I could spend all my time in the sun.
45. I try and see as many bands live as I can.
46. There isn't one type of music I dislike
47. I have had the same camera since I was 12 (A Cannon 20D).
48. I love to read any kind of book.
49. I love food and home design TV shows.
50. I have a huge wish list for every online clothing shop there is.

So there we have it 50 fun facts about me, hope you enjoyed these and feel free to leave comments with your blog links and I'll check you out. 
Enjoy the weekend!!

Lucy Alice xx 

London Street Photography

"There Is Nowhere Else Like London, Nothing At All. Anywhere"

Vivienne Westwood


I love the art of street photography, you can never plan how your photos are going to look, you need to work quick and have an eye for what will work. 
These are a few I shoot back in early March and it true street photography and English weather I wasn't expecting the rain and had to work with what was thrown at me. London is the best place to shoot streets as there's always something going on and even in the rain people are still shopping, (crazy!!)   

Hope you enjoy these, sorry for such a short blog post and also the lack of them over the last few weeks. life easily runs away with me sometimes. 

feel free to leave comments below 

Lucy Alice xx


Inspiration (Nutella Jar)

So here we are again, it's the middle of another working week and time for a little bit of inspiration to get us thought till the weekend.

This one is from Instergram, I follow a grate account called "The Good Quote" there always posting different inspiration photos. There are a lot of screen shoots from this account on my phone. I'm a little bit in love with them.